# PC SDK Error Codes

Describes the error code passed through the StovePCResult enumeration.

Error Code Code String Cause Solution
0 NO ERROR Normal N/A
[50 ~ 99 Config & Error]
50 INVALID_CONFIG The settings value is invalid. Check if the setting's value is missing or invalid.
51 INVALID_CALLBACK The callback function settings are invalid. Check if the callback function settings are missing or invalid.
52 INVALID LOG LEVEL Log level is invalid. Check if the log level setting value is valid. Set to 4 when testing, set to 2 when finishing SDK integration.
53 INVALID_LOG_PATH Log path is invalid. Check if there is a file folder in the set log path or leave it blank.
54 INVALID_ENV It could not acquire settings information from the server. Set the Env value to "Live".
[100 ~ 149 Core Error]
100 CORE_NOT_INITIALIZE Internal SDK initialization failed. Check if it calls the SDK initialization function and initialization is successful.
101 CORE_ALREADY_INITIALIZE It has initialized SDK already. Check if it has run the SDK initialization repeatedly. If there are no problems after the check, contact a Stove staff.
102 CORE_TASKS_ALL_EMPTY It didn't create all SDK procedures. Check whether you run SDK initialization repeatedly. If there is no problem after check, contact a STOVE staff.
103 CORE_CALLBACK_EXECUTE_NULLPTR It has called a NULL address callback from SDK. Contact a STOVE staff.
[150 ~ 199 SGUP Error]
150 SGUP_NOT_INITIALIZE It has not initialized SGUP procedures. Run the STOVE launcher and log in.
151 SGUP_TASK_EMPTY It has not created the SGUP procedure. Check if it calls the SDK initialization function and initialization is successful.
152 SGUP_EXTERNAL_ERROR An external error has occurred in the SGUP procedure. Contact a STOVE staff.
153 SGUP_ONTOKEN_EMPTY It has not set the SGUP token-related callback function. Check if the OnToken callback set during SDK initialization has been normally set.
154 SGUP_ONUSER_EMPTY It has not set the SGUP user-related callback function. Check if the OnUser callback set during SDK initialization has been normally set.
155 SGUP_TOKEN_INVALID SGUP token is invalid. - Check if the specified PolicyConfig.json file exists in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Smilegate\STOVE folder.
- Check that you entered the AppKey, SecretKey, and GameID correctly.
[200 ~ 249 Ownership Error]
200 OWNERSHIP_NOT_INITIALIZE It has not initialized the ownership procedure. Contact a STOVE staff.
201 OWNERSHIP_TOKEN_INVALID Ownership token is invalid. Try initializing the SDK again, and if the same error persists, contact a STOVE Staff.
202 OWNERSHIP_TASK_EMPTY Ownership procedure is empty. Check if it calls the SDK initialization function and initialization is successful.
203 OWNERSHIP_ONOWNERSHIP_EMPTY You didn't set an Ownership callback. Check if you set the OnOwnership callback when initializing the SDK is set correctly.
204 OWNERSHIP_HTTP_ERROR A network error has occurred after the Ownership check. Inquire while sending the information of the StovePCError structure passed to the OnError callback to a STOVE Staff.
205 OWNERSHIP_RESPONSE_ERROR Response value after Ownership check is invalid. Try logging in to the STOVE launcher with the STOVE ID that owns the game. To grant ownership, contact a STOVE Staff.
[250 ~ 299 Stats Error]
250 STATS_PARAM_INVALID Stats call parameters invalid. Check those API call parameters are valid.
251 STATS_TOKEN_INVALID Stats token is not valid. Try initializing the SDK again, and if the same error persists, contact a STOVE Staff.
252 STATS_TASK_EMPTY Stats task is empty. Check if it calls the SDK initialization function and initialization is successful.
253 STATS_ONSTAT_EMPTY You didn't set the Stats callback. Check if you set the OnStat callback when initializing the SDK is set correctly.
254 STATS_ONSETSTAT_EMPTY You didn't set the Stats callback. Check if you set the OnSetStat callback when initializing the SDK is set correctly.
255 STATS_HTTP_ERROR A network error has occurred after viewing Stats. Inquire while sending the information of the StovePCError structure passed to the OnError callback to a STOVE Staff.
256 STATS_RESPONSE_ERROR The response value after viewing Stats is not valid. Inquire while sending the information of the StovePCError structure passed to the OnError callback to a STOVE Staff.
[300 ~ 349 Achievement Error]
300 ACHIEVEMENT_PARAM_INVALID Achievement call parameters invalid. Check those API call parameters are valid.
301 ACHIEVEMENT_TOKEN_INVALID Achievement token is not valid. Try initializing the SDK again, and if the same error persists, contact a STOVE Staff.
302 ACHIEVEMENT_TASK_EMPTY Achievement task is empty. Check if it calls the SDK initialization function and initialization is successful.
303 ACHIEVEMENT_ONACHIEVEMENT_EMPTY You didn't set an achievement callback. Check if you set the OnAchievement callback when initializing the SDK is set correctly.
304 ACHIEVEMENT_ONALLACHIEVEMENT_EMPTY You didn't set an achievement callback. Check if you set the OnAllAchievement callback when initializing the SDK is set correctly.
305 ACHIEVEMENT_HTTP_ERROR A network error has occurred after viewing Achievement. Inquire while sending the information of the StovePCError structure passed to the OnError callback to a STOVE Staff.
306 ACHIEVEMENT_RESPONSE_ERROR The response value after viewing Achievement is not valid. Inquire while sending the information of the StovePCError structure passed to the OnError callback to a STOVE Staff.
[350 ~ 399 Leaderboard Error]
350 LEADERBOARD_PARAM_INVALID Leaderboard call parameters invalid. Check those API call parameters are valid.
351 LEADERBOARD_TOKEN_INVALID Leaderboard token is not valid. Try initializing the SDK again, and if the same error persists, contact a STOVE Staff.
352 LEADERBOARD_TASK_EMPTY Leaderboard task is empty. Check if it calls the SDK initialization function and initialization is successful.
353 LEADERBOARD_ONRANK_EMPTY You didn't set a leaderboard callback. Check if you set the OnRank callback when initializing the SDK is set correctly.
354 LEADERBOARD_HTTP_ERROR A network error has occurred after viewing Leaderboard. Inquire while sending the information of the StovePCError structure passed to the OnError callback to a STOVE Staff.
355 LEADERBOARD_RESPONSE_ERROR The response value after viewing Leaderboard is not valid. Inquire while sending the information of the StovePCError structure passed to the OnError callback to a STOVE Staff.
[400 ~ 449 Member Error]
400 STOVE_PC_MEMBER_TOKEN_INVALID Member token is invalid. Try initializing the SDK again, and if the same error persists, contact a STOVE Staff.
401 STOVE_PC_MEMBER_TASK_EMPTY Member task is empty. Check if it calls the SDK initialization function and initialization is successful.
402 STOVE_PC_MEMBER_HTTP_ERROR A network error occurred after member inquiry. Inquire while sending the information of the StovePCError structure passed to the OnError callback to a STOVE Staff.
403 STOVE_PC_MEMBER_RESPONSE_ERROR The response value after member inquiry is invalid. Set the Env value to "Live"
[450 ~ 499 Popup Error]
460 POPUP_SETGAMEPROFILE_NOT_CALL Game profile has not been set. Call the SetGameProfile API.
[500 ~ 549 Billing Error]
550 BILLING_PARAM_INVALID Billing call parameters are invalid. Check if the Billing API call parameters are valid.
551 BILLING_TASK_EMPTY Billing task is empty. Check that the SDK initialization function was called and initialization was successful.
552 BILLING_NOT_SET_SHOP_KEY Shop Key has not been set. Call the IAP initialization function using the Shop Key.
553 BILLING_ONFETCHSOPCATEGORIES_EMPTY Billing callback not set. Check whether the OnFetchShopCategories callback set when initializing the SDK is set properly.
554 BILLING_ONFETCHPRODUCTS_EMPTY Billing callback not set. Check whether the OnFetchProducts callback set when initializing the SDK is set properly.
555 BILLING_ONSTARTPURCHASE_EMPTY Billing callback not set. Check whether the OnStartPurchase callback set when initializing the SDK is set properly.
556 BILLING_ONCONFIRMPURCHASE_EMPTY Billing callback not set. Check whether the OnConfirmPurchase callback set when initializing the SDK is set properly.
557 BILLING_ONFETCHINVENTORY_EMPTY Billing callback not set. Check whether the OnFetchInventory callback set when initializing the SDK is set properly.
558 BILLING_HTTP_ERROR A network error occurred after checking billing. The information in the StovePCError structure received through the OnError callback is passed on to the STOVE person in charge to inquire.
559 BILLING_RESPONSE_ERROR The response value is invalid after a billing inquiry. The information in the StovePCError structure received through the OnError callback is passed on to the STOVE person in charge to inquire.
[600 ~ 649 GlobalDomain Error]
600 GLOBALDOMAIN_TOKEN_INVALID GlobalDomain token is invalid. Try initializing the SDK again, and if the same error continues, contact the STOVE representative.
601 GLOBALDOMAIN_TASK_EMPTY GlobalDomain task is empty. Check that the SDK initialization function was called and initialization was successful.
602 GLOBALDOMAIN_HTTP_ERROR A network error occurred after retrieving GlobalDomain. The information in the StovePCError structure received through the OnError callback is passed on to the STOVE person in charge to inquire.
603 GLOBALDOMAIN_RESPONSE_ERROR The response value after querying GlobalDomain is invalid. The information in the StovePCError structure received through the OnError callback is passed on to the STOVE person in charge to inquire.
[650 ~ 699 Shutdown Error]
650 SHUTDOWN_TOKEN_INVALID Shutdown token is invalid. Try initializing the SDK again, and if the same error continues, contact the STOVE representative.
651 SHUTDOWN_TASK_EMPTY The Shutdown task is empty. Check that the SDK initialization function was called and initialization was successful.
653 SHUTDOWN_HTTP_ERROR A network error occurred after checking Shutdown. The information in the StovePCError structure received through the OnError callback is passed on to the STOVE person in charge to inquire.
654 SHUTDOWN_RESPONSE_ERROR The response value after the Shutdown query is invalid. The information in the StovePCError structure received through the OnError callback is passed on to the STOVE person in charge to inquire.
[700 ~ 749 Terms Error]
700 SHUTDOWN_TOKEN_INVALID STOVE_PC_TERMS_TOKEN_INVALID Retry SDK initialization and contact your STOVE representative if the same error occurs.
701 STOVE_PC_TERMS_TASK_EMPTY Terms task is empty. Check if the SDK initialization function was called and the initialization was successful.
702 STOVE_PC_TERMS_ONFETCHTERMSAGREEMENT_EMPTY Terms task is empty. Verify that the OnFetchTermsAgreement callback, which was set during SDK initialization, is properly set.
703 STOVE_PC_TERMS_HTTP_ERROR A network error occurred after a Terms lookup. Forward the information in the StovePCError structure passed by the OnError callback to the STOVE representative and contact them.
704 STOVE_PC_TERMS_RESPONSE_ERROR Terms inquiry response is invalid. OnError Forward the information in the StovePCError structure passed to the callback to the STOVE representative.
[External Error]
806 SgupTokenInvalid Fail to get token from sgup_api 155와 동일한 오류입니다.
- Check if the specified PolicyConfig.json file exists in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Smilegate\STOVE folder.
- Check that you entered the AppKey, SecretKey, correctly.
[900 ~ * Exception]
900 UNMANAGED_EXCEPTION Exception occurred in Unmanaged Code - Check if you install the STOVE launcher, and if the error still occurs, contact a STOVE staff.
- Check if LogPath is set to null and set the value to an empty string (“”).
- Checks whether if it calls the StovePC.Uninitialize method normally and repeatedly calls the SDK initialization (Init) function. (wrongInitCount' is max)
901 MANAGED_EXCEPTION Exception occurred in Managed Code - Check if the SDK-related DLL files exist in the binary folder. Please distribute together when distributing to end-users.
- If the error still occurs, contact a STOVE staff.
Last Updated: 1/22/2024, 1:50:19 PM